
Homework 1 in STAT630: Advanced Statistical Data Analysis @ CSU


  1. A beta distribution has pdf

    \[ f(y; \alpha, \beta) = \frac{\Gamma(\alpha + \beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha) \Gamma(\beta)} y^{\alpha - 1} (1 - y)^{\beta - 1}, \quad \text{ for } 0 \le y \le 1, \alpha > 0, \beta > 0. \]

    We will investigate maximum likelihood estimation for the beta distribution. To make this easier, for now we will assume \(\beta = 3\), making a single parameter density

    \[ f(y; \alpha, \beta) = \frac{\Gamma(\alpha + 3)}{2\Gamma(\alpha)} y^{\alpha - 1} (1 - y)^{2}, \quad \text{ for } 0 \le y \le 1, \alpha > 0. \]

    1. [2 pts] To get an idea of the density, plot it for several dfferent values of \(\alpha\).
    2. [7 pts] Generate a random sample of size \(n = 30\) from this distribution when \(\alpha = 4\). Create a function in R which takes a value for \(\alpha\) and evaluates the log-likelihood for this data. Choose a reasonable interval for values of \(\alpha\) and plot the likelihood function for this random sample.
    3. [5 pts] Numerically find \(\hat{\alpha}_{\text{MLE}}\). You will need to use a numerical optimizer like nlm, or optimize. Try different starting values for \(\alpha\) within the optimization to see how robust this numerical optimization is.
    4. [5 pts] Your optimization method should have an option to return a numerically calculated hessian at the optimum. Use this and the asymptotic properties of MLE’s to construct an approximate 95% confidence interval for \(\alpha\). Does your confidence interval include the true value of the parameter? (Note: we haven’t yet talked about how MLE’s are asymptotically normal in STAT 630 yet, but you know this from STAT 530.)
    5. [3 pts] To illustrate how the likelihood is a random function, generate 10 different samples of size \(n = 30\) and store these samples. Plot the likelihood function for each of these 10 samples (as you did in part(b)) all on one plot. (Colors are nice!) Find \(\hat{\alpha}_{\text{MLE}}\) for each of these 10 samples and indicate the MLE’s in your plot as well. Calculate the approximate 95% confidence intervals for each of these 10 samples and draw a line segment to indicate the extent of the confidence interval. If you were to construct a similar plot with sample size of \(n = 100\), how would the plot change?
    6. [5 pts] Now, generate 1000 different samples of size \(n = 30\). For each sample, calculate \(\hat{\alpha}_{\text{MLE}}\) and and its approximate 95% confidence interval. Make a histogram of the \(\hat{\alpha}_{\text{MLE}}\). Comment on the histogram and report the coverage rate of the confidence intervals.
  2. [12 pts] Generate \(n = 50\) samples from a beta distribution with \(\alpha = 4\) and \(\beta = 3\). Create a function in R which takes values for \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) and which returns the log-likelihood value. Evaluate the function on a grid of values for \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). Plot the likelihood surface using a contour plot (see geom_contour or contour in base). Use nlm or optim or some other numerical optimizer to find \((\hat{\alpha}_{\text{MLE}},. \hat{\beta}_{\text{MLE}})\). Add this point to your plot. Repeat for several different samples of size \(n = 50\). Submit one plot.

  3. (Boos and Stephanski 2.3 parts a) and b)) The Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) model is defined as \[\begin{align*} P(Y = 0) &= p + (1 - p) \exp(-\lambda) \\ P(Y = y) &= (1 - p)\frac{\lambda^y\exp(-\lambda)}{y!}, \quad y = 1, 2, \dots. \end{align*}\]

    1. [5 pts] Reparameterize the model by defining \(\pi = P(Y = 0) = p + (1 - p) \exp(-\lambda)\). Solve for \(p\) in terms of \(\lambda\) and \(\pi\), and then substitute so that the density depends only on \(\lambda\) and \(\pi\).
    2. [6 pts] For an iid sample of size \(n\), let \(n_0\) be the number of zeroes in the sample. Assuming that the complete data is available, show that the likelihood factors into two pieces and that \(\hat{\pi} = n_0 / n\). Also show that the maximum likelihood estimator for \(\lambda\) is the solution to a simple nonlinear equation involving \(\overline{Y}_+\) (the average of nonzero values).