
Homework 6 in STAT630: Advanced Statistical Data Analysis @ CSU


  1. On pages 11-12 of the estimating equations notes, we show the asymptotic result that for iid data, an M-estimator converges in distribution to a Gaussian distribution with variance given by the sandwich matrix. The result is obtained multiple steps. The point of this problem is to do a little more to explain each of these steps. Assume you are writing a summary for another PhD statistics student. Since the homework grader is a PhD statistics student, this is actually true!

    1. [5pts] The first step is to show that \(-\boldsymbol G'_n(\boldsymbol \theta_0)\) converges in probability to \(A(\boldsymbol \theta_0)\). State the weak law of large numbers, then explain how this is applied to obtain this piece.

    2. [5pts] The second step is to show that \(\sqrt{n} \boldsymbol G_n(\boldsymbol \theta_0)\) converges in distribution to \(N(\boldsymbol 0, B(\boldsymbol \theta_0)\). State the Central Limit Theorem (actually, there are many, so state the one you’re applying here), and then explain how this is applied to obtain this piece.

    3. [5pts] The third step is to show \(\sqrt{n} \boldsymbol R^*_n\) converges in probability to zero. We have said, ``this is the hard part.” But, the proof is given in the book (copy here). Read the proof, and identify the piece that relates to \(\sqrt{n} \boldsymbol R^*_n\). As best you can, explain the assumed condition and how this result is shown.

    4. [5pts] The last step is to put these results together. State Slutsky’s theorem and explain how it is applied to obtain the asymptotic result

  2. Art Owen’s original R code for computing the log-empirical likelihood ratio of for the mean of iid data is provided here. This code contains a function called elm that computes \[ \log \sup\left\{\prod\limits_{i = 1}^n n p_i: p_i \ge 0, \quad \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n p_i = 1, \quad \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n \boldsymbol Y_ip_i = \boldsymbol \mu\right\} \] based on observations \(\boldsymbol Y_1, \dots, \boldsymbol Y_n \in \mathbb{R}^d\) (stacked into an \(n \times d\) matrix) and a given mean value \(\boldsymbol \mu \in \mathbb{R}^d\) (as a vector of length \(d\)).

    1. [2pts] Using the random seed 630 in R, generate \(100\) observations of a standard normal distribution. Call this y.

    2. [14 pts] Using the elm function from Owen’s code, compute the EL ratio for the mean: \[ R_n(\mu) = \sup\left\{\prod\limits_{i = 1}^n n p_i: p_i \ge 0, \quad \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n p_i = 1, \quad \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n Y_ip_i = \mu\right\} \] (not the log-ratio) over a grid of values \(\mu \in [-1, 1]\). Plot \(R_n(\mu)\) as a function of \(\mu\).

    3. [14 pts] Use the EL Wilks’ result to draw horizontal lines on your plot from (b) to indicate the calibration cut-offs (\(\exp[-\chi^2_{1, 1 - \alpha} / 2]\)) needed for a 95% and 90% EL confidence interval for \(\mu\). Then, determine and report the endpoints of both EL confidence intervals.

      Note: For finding the interval, it can help to write a function \(g(\mu)\) that computes \(-2\log R_n(\mu) - \chi^2_{1,\alpha}\) and then use uniroot to find the two roots of \(g(\cdot)\). Note that the sample mean \(\overline{y}\) of the data satisfies \(R(\overline{y}) = 1\) and so \(\overline{y}\) is always in the interval (between the roots).